Tiny Troublemakers

Aletta School of Public health

Title: Tiny Troublemakers
Client: Aletta School of Public Health
Location: Groningen, NL
Year: 2020
Size: 40 m2
Subject: Awareness about viruses and bacteria

The corona pandemic shows just how dangerous viruses and bacteria can be. In an interactive installation visitors get in touch with these “Tiny Troublemakers”. The installation contains a game where visitors collaborate to dodge bad bacteria and viruses, while catching the good ones to earn bonus time. 

Our health is not keeping up with the increasing life expectancy. If we don’t act, the rising demand for care will outgrow the resources. How can we prevent people from getting sick? And how can we make sure everyone profits from the healthcare system? Highly educated people live six years longer, and stay healthy for 15 years longer than people with a low education level. The Aletta School of Public health, a collaboration between the universities of Groningen, has a mission to increase health for everyone. They strengthen their research by organising interaction with the public, in particular low educated people, people from rural areas and people who are not necessarily interested in science. How can one approach as many people as possible in a playful way?

Based on nine health-related topics like relaxation and nutrition, nine installations were conceptualised, turning out to form a coherent travelling exhibition: “Chronically Healthy”. With this goal in mind, Designwolf created a visual identity for future installations.